Fluffy Cloud
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Hello, July
Monday 1 July 2013 ★ 04:03 │ (0) angels

Hi, everyone. How was everything? Going on well, eh? And guess what, IT'S JULY. *party hard* Lol I don't really think that was fun tho, but every month must have their own good memories, right? Hope so. It's time to bid goodbyes to JUNE 2013, which I will miss the most. Many memories was created within a month.

July is not really fun. I think? Exam is around the corner and I freakin' hate it. Sobs. I don't wanna fail in Add Maths again, seriously! When I didn't study, I failed. And when I  study, I STILL failed. I bet, some people got that thing, too. It's not just me, right? *sigh* And plus, not just Add Maths. Biology, Chemistry and Physics, too. Ugh, I regret everything for getting into science stream. It's stressing me out. I've requested to the principal to be moved to the art stream, but the principal rejected. Now, tell me. I'm gonna spoil my own SPM results and who to blame? ME, again? For studying so hard, sacrificing my time (I mean, not just 12 hours, uknow) and bla-bla-bla. *sigh AGAIN*

OKAY. ENOUGH WITH STUDIES. Lol I just realized that all of my post are about studies (well, almost all). Idk why, but I seem to be venting my hate towards studies in here. Puahahaha xD And guess what everyone? I'm on my way writing a story. Being a writer is my dream since I was a kid. Even before I know how to write, I draw random pictures and tell people about the situation in the drawings. When I was a kid, I drew a garden in front of a church. Then, I narrated a story based on the drawing to my mum. And years passed, until now, I still love to write stories. The story I was writing now is the first short story that I've ever made. I'll be post in my school magazine. Idk whether it will be accepted tho. But, oh God, give me a chance. That's the first I'll post it in the school magazine. That feels. ohmy~ 

Too bored to be true. Okay, I think that's all for this post. Just a simple post. Heee :) Goodbye. And yeah, before I forget, here's some free virtual hugs for you all. You can take as many as you want! Hahahaha xD Bye, everyone. God bless :)

Pieces Of Me
Meet the Big Beauty Boss

Thank you for visiting. I'm Vanessa. I'm sixTEEN. I'm weird and I like crazy things. I like buns. So, in this blog, I will post the things that are related to my life. I'll post what I want. No judging. Me is me. No one can change that shit. And that's all, I guess. Bye.
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Layout (c) sweet.m!sery
Re-edited by nurul ain
Icons from reviviscent
Resources: sea shells
Hello, July
Monday 1 July 2013 ★ 04:03 │ (0) angels

Hi, everyone. How was everything? Going on well, eh? And guess what, IT'S JULY. *party hard* Lol I don't really think that was fun tho, but every month must have their own good memories, right? Hope so. It's time to bid goodbyes to JUNE 2013, which I will miss the most. Many memories was created within a month.

July is not really fun. I think? Exam is around the corner and I freakin' hate it. Sobs. I don't wanna fail in Add Maths again, seriously! When I didn't study, I failed. And when I  study, I STILL failed. I bet, some people got that thing, too. It's not just me, right? *sigh* And plus, not just Add Maths. Biology, Chemistry and Physics, too. Ugh, I regret everything for getting into science stream. It's stressing me out. I've requested to the principal to be moved to the art stream, but the principal rejected. Now, tell me. I'm gonna spoil my own SPM results and who to blame? ME, again? For studying so hard, sacrificing my time (I mean, not just 12 hours, uknow) and bla-bla-bla. *sigh AGAIN*

OKAY. ENOUGH WITH STUDIES. Lol I just realized that all of my post are about studies (well, almost all). Idk why, but I seem to be venting my hate towards studies in here. Puahahaha xD And guess what everyone? I'm on my way writing a story. Being a writer is my dream since I was a kid. Even before I know how to write, I draw random pictures and tell people about the situation in the drawings. When I was a kid, I drew a garden in front of a church. Then, I narrated a story based on the drawing to my mum. And years passed, until now, I still love to write stories. The story I was writing now is the first short story that I've ever made. I'll be post in my school magazine. Idk whether it will be accepted tho. But, oh God, give me a chance. That's the first I'll post it in the school magazine. That feels. ohmy~ 

Too bored to be true. Okay, I think that's all for this post. Just a simple post. Heee :) Goodbye. And yeah, before I forget, here's some free virtual hugs for you all. You can take as many as you want! Hahahaha xD Bye, everyone. God bless :)
